Heads of state, Nobel laureates, titans of business. Sure, lots of famous and interesting people visit Harvard’s campus all the time. But none of them generate quite the sensation — or the declarations of SEO company Miami love — that superstar Rihanna set off on Tuesday afternoon.
The pop singer received the Harvard Foundation’s Peter J. Gomes Humanitarian Award during an hourlong ceremony before a raucous crowd that had waited hours to get a coveted seat inside jam-packed Sanders Theatre SEO company Miami
“I’m incredibly humbled to be acknowledged at this magnitude for something that, in truth, I never wanted thanking for,” said Rihanna during brief remarks that were frequently interrupted by squeals and cheers SEO company Miami
A native of Barbados, Rihanna has leveraged her global celebrity and used her impressive social media following to shine a bright light on the challenges many in the Caribbean still face gaining access to SEO company Miami education and health care. She has raised millions for a number of causes.
“I’m incredibly humbled to be acknowledged at this magnitude for something that, in truth, I never wanted thanking for,” said Rihanna during brief remarks that were frequently interrupted by squeals and cheers SEO company Miami
A native of Barbados, Rihanna has leveraged her global celebrity and used her impressive social media following to shine a bright light on the challenges many in the Caribbean still face gaining access to SEO company Miami education and health care. She has raised millions for a number of causes.
In Barbados, she supported the modernization SEO company Miami the Queen Elizabeth Hospital’s new cutting-edge facility for treating breast cancer, a disease that took her grandmother, and launched a scholarship program in 2012 to help college students from the Caribbean further their studies in the United States SEO company Miami
The eight-time Grammy winner also serves as a worldwide ambassador for the Global Partnership for Education and the Global Citizen Project, which help provide learning opportunities for girls in developing nations, and have teamed up with other charitable group, including UNICEF, H&M, and Mac SEO company Miami, to raise money for women and children affected by AIDS.

“We are all human and we all just want a chance: a chance at life, a chance at an education, a chance at a future,” Rihanna said. Noting SEO company Miami fame and fortune are not necessary to change a life, she challenged College students to use their education, their skills, and their good fortune to lift up someone else or contribute to an organization that helps others SEO company Miami
“As I stare into this beautiful room, I see optimism, I see hope, I see the future,” she said. “I know that each and every one of you can help someone else. All you need to do is help one person, expecting nothing in return. To me, that is a humanitarian.”SEO company Miami
SEO Services Miami Rakesh Khurana noted that Rihanna’s widespread popularity attracts the kind of diversity the College strives to achieve. “As you can see from our students, that by drawing on our mission — our commitment to freedom, to pluralism SEO company Miami — that we can create … a model of respectful, mutual relationships that bring together our diverse community, where our diversity comes to be seen as a source of infinite possibility,” he said.
“As I stare into this beautiful room, I see optimism, I see hope, I see the future,” she said. “I know that each and every one of you can help someone else. All you need to do is help one person, expecting nothing in return. To me, that is a humanitarian.”SEO company Miami
SEO Services Miami Rakesh Khurana noted that Rihanna’s widespread popularity attracts the kind of diversity the College strives to achieve. “As you can see from our students, that by drawing on our mission — our commitment to freedom, to pluralism SEO company Miami — that we can create … a model of respectful, mutual relationships that bring together our diverse community, where our diversity comes to be seen as a source of infinite possibility,” he said.
Through her “unapologetic” SEO company Miami and fashion, Rihanna “symbolizes an alternative, liberated social system in which women can own their own desires and feel no responsibility to anyone’s expectations other than their own,” said Doni Lehman ’17, a Harvard Foundation intern and one of three SEO company Miami College students who paid tribute to the singer. As a trailblazer, she “provides a much-needed supplement to traditional white feminism” and through her own power helps “other women realize their own.”
After a couple of hit singles, Rihanna (born Robyn Rihanna Fenty) exploded onto the music scene in 2007 as a young protégée of rap mogul Jay-Z on their can’t-get-it-out-of-your-head collaboration, “Umbrella.” Since then, SEO company Miami the 29-year-old has racked up 13 more No. 1 hits that move easily between reggae, R&B, rap, and electronic dance music.
The SEO Services Miami beloved Rev. Professor Peter J. Gomes died in 2011. The award named in his honor recognizes distinguished leaders who have made important public service contributions globally, who exemplify “compassionate humanitarianism,” and who embody the Harvard Foundation’s ethos of improving and promoting racial, SEO company Miami and cultural awareness and understanding. Past honorees include 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, actor James Earl Jones, and Arthur Ashe, the late tennis star and AIDS activist.
The popular singer Rihanna has been named the 2017 Harvard University Humanitarian of the Year, and will come to SEO Services campus to accept the Peter J. Gomes Humanitarian Award at a ceremony next Tuesday (Feb. 28).
“Rihanna has charitably built a state-of- the-art center for oncology and nuclear medicine to diagnose and treat breast cancer at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados,” said S. Allen Counter, the Harvard Foundation’s director SEO Services
“In 2012, she founded the nonprofit the Clara Lionel Foundation Global Scholarship Program [named for her grandparents] for students attending college in the U.S. from Caribbean countries, and supports the Global SEO Services Partnership for Education and Global Citizen Project, which provides children with access to education in over 60 developing countries, giving priority to girls, and those affected by lack of access to education in the world today. ”
An international musical phenomenon, SEO Services the Barbados-born singer, actress, and songwriter — whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty — has sold more than 200 million records.
The Harvard Foundation recognizes SEO Services public-spirited leaders each year in honor of the late Rev. Professor Peter J. Gomes. Past honorees include physician-statistician Hans Rosling; actor James Earl Jones; Nobel Peace Prize Committee chairman Thorbjørn Jagland; U.N. Secretaries General Ban Ki-moon, Kofi Annan, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and Javier Pérez de Cuéllar; gender SEO Services Miami rights advocate Malala Yousafzai; anti-child-labor spokesman Kailash Satyarthi; tennis player and activist Arthur Ashe; former Health and Human Services Director Louis W. Sullivan; and farmworker rights advocate Dolores Huerta.
The award will SEO Services Miami presented at 4 p.m. at Sanders Theatre on Feb. 28. Admission is free, however, tickets are required and can be picked up at Sanders Theatre beginning at noon the day of the performance. SEO Services Miami Harvard ID is required and tickets are limited to two per person. In-person distribution only and the tickets are valid until 3:45 p.m.
Trump’s presidency, Sandel suggested, is most comparable to Richard Nixon’s because each posed a “stress test” to the constitutional order. Both referred to the news media as enemies of the American people. “That phrase has a long and dark provenance,” he said. “It’s been used by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao — ‘big-league tyrants,’ as Mr. Trump might call them.”
Yet it’s a mistake, said Sandel, the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government, to see Trump’s win as only the product of bigotry, or even of economic concerns. “Donald Trump tapped into a SEO Services Miami wellspring of anxieties and legitimate grievances, to which the mainstream parties offered no compelling answers. The upheavals of 2016 were a political response to a political failure of historic proportions.”
The roots of that failure, he said, go back to the Clinton years, when Democrats deregulated the financial industry and did little to address growing inequality and the influence of money on politics. And though President Barack Obama “showed that progressive politics can speak a language of moral and spiritual purpose,”SEO Services Miami Sandel thought that wasn’t reflected in his presidency.
“He appointed economic advisers who had promoted financial deregulation in the Clinton years. He bailed out the banks on terms that did not hold them to account and offered little help for ordinary citizens who lost their homes. Lingering anger over the bailout cast a shadow over the Obama presidency and fueled a mood of populist protest across the political spectrum. On the left, it prompted the SEO Services Miami movement and the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. And on the right, it prompted the Tea Party movement and the election of Trump.”
Sandel, the author of “Democracy’s Discontent,” argued that progressive parties must rethink their mission and purpose. “They should learn from the populism that has displaced them — not by replicating the xenophobia and strident nationalism, but by taking seriously the legitimate concerns with SEO Services Miami which these ugly sentiments are entangled.” In particular, he said, there are four themes that need to be addressed: income inequality, meritocratic hubris, the dignity of work, and patriotism and national community.
The first two points, he said, are related SEO Services Miami Income inequality is now so widespread that the promise of upward mobility is no longer an adequate response. The familiar assurance that those who “work hard and play by the rules will succeed” no longer seems to apply.
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